How to Join

Existing Members

Renew your affiliation with the Material Advantage student program to continue enjoying membership benefits through the end of 2018. Renew your membership now to take advantage of all the benefits. Once you renew, please also provide us with your registration number so we can include you in the University of Illinois Chapter.

New Members

You have two membership options.

1.  Pay minimum dues of $20.   This will cover pizza/pop and other fun events throughout the semester.  However, this will not give you official membership in the national MA chapter or access to any of the benefits associated with full membership.

2.  Become an official member of the Illinois chapter of Material Advantage.  Membership will cost $30 and you get free subscriptions to as many journals as you like out of the core Materials societies (TMS, ASM, AIST, ACERS, SPE, JOM).  You also become eligible for scholarships. 

Instructions for registering online (new members)